Saturday, June 16, 2012

Another Interesting Article from Huff Post

How The 'Man Crisis' Makes Women's Perfectionism Worse

1 comment:

  1. CBS Sunday Morning featured a story on this. I watched it with my dad on Father's Day before church. His interpretation was that America has turned away from God, and until we turn back--by men asserting their dominance as Godly spiritual leaders of the family and country--we are in grave danger of being taken over by non-Christian people. He even came up with a scripture from the prophet Amos (1:1) that referenced women as "Cows" of Bashan. Here's the verse from the New International Version:Hear this word, you cows of Bashan on Mount Samaria,
    you women who oppress the poor and crush the needy
    and say to your husbands, “Bring us some drinks! ”
    Bashan was an ancient country known for its cattle and vast plains.
    Anyway, Daddy handed me the Bible to show me the verse. I read it, thought a minute, and said, "Dad, that's a terrific Biblical imperative against poverty!" He was not amused.
    I wonder how he would individualize his interpretation as the father of a daughter? I wonder what he would wish or believe required of me? I wonder how the cow reference would play out?


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