Monday, August 27, 2012


My initial reaction to this website was that it was not very impressive.  the home page looks very uninteresting and it does not have any eye popping colors that would cause the average browser to want to explore the site. 

I began to explore the links within the various categories and I was pleasantly surprised to discover that there was such a wealth of information, housed within, this seemingly boring website.  I was especially interested in the miscellaneous pop culture topics, which contained information abou the analysis of the Baribe Doll.  I never imagined that there was so much information about a doll and how it has affected society.

I guess the lessopn I learned is to not be so concerned out the attractiveness of a website and to be more concerned about its content.

1 comment:

  1. Toni, I agree with the initial reaction you had to the website. I too was taken off guard by the lack-luster home page. I felt as if the creator was trying to get across the seriousness that pop culture can have. When I think of pop culture I just think about the media and all the fun things it includes but, it also has serious consequences on gender, ethnic groups, etc. The basic home page keep the user on track when looking into the different articles etc.


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