Thursday, August 30, 2012



            Place is defined as a "meaningful location"(7). Place simply stands still as the world moves about. We simply carry on with our lives, but find some way to a significant place or landscape that has a meaning to us. Narrative shapes out understanding and experiences in place because we are the founders of giving meaning to specific locations. Often times, we find places and become very familiar with them, placing values on those places and making them a comfort zone when things aren't as they seem. That place can take away the pain and suffering, or place can simply bring about hurt and prevent us from wanting to be there. It's all about a connection to that place... good or bad.

            A study of place in America can reveal several things about us and the people who surround us. Place provides at times a security of knowing surroundings. For example we are more comfortable in our neighborhoods. We see the same familiar faces, homes, cars, and buildings. When a new person moves in could provide a little discomfort of not knowing who is in your "space". Over time, you get to know that person or family and become more comfortable with them being around. The same situation for starting a new job. The new hire has to become familiar in a new place, in order to get comfortable. Often times, we find that one place of comfort in knowing that we are safe in that location.

            For me walking in a new classroom is a challenge. New classrooms, new teachers, new books, and ultimately new faces. As the semester progresses, I'm more comfortable with those people in my class. I'm sure a lot of students can relate to this "place".


  1. I can relate to the challenge of walking into a new classroom and feeling an uncomfortable feeling because things are unfamiliar. Therefore, a place because a "meaningful location" when we begin to be comfortable in that space. So then there are places that will never be a place to us because we will never feel comfortable in all places.

  2. Hi Triana,

    I agree with your assessment to some degree. I think that "place" can have negative connotations in addition to positive sentiments, depending on the individual interpretation.

    I hope that, with time, you become more comfortable around new people and in new classroom settings, especially in this course!

  3. Triana,

    You second paragraph was very interesting to me. Place is also defined my comfort. Not just in a home, but spaces that we visit frequently such as work, or school. It's funny when we dissect place we realize that when our place is invaded it is uncomfortable. Then place becomes referred to "space" again. There is something very personal about place.


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