Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Bright Sided Discussion Questions

1. What do you think that Ehrenreich means by dissecting the idea of Americans as positive thinkers?
2. What could the concept of Americans as positive thinkers have to do with the place concepts discussed in our previous readings?
Chapter 1
3. Do you think her portrayal of individuals with cancer in America provides a good first chapter for her work, or should such a drastic and contrasting topic be placed later in the book?
4. Why do you think Americans wish to focus on positive thinking, even when it comes to situations like cancer?
Chapter 2
5. The term magical thinking is thrown around often - do you think that magical thinking and positive thinking should be classified as different terms or the same term?
6. Can you think of any examples of Magical Thinking that you have experienced in your everyday life?
Chapter 3
7. Ehrenrich's analysis of the origins of America's optimistic side displays the slow corruption and disillusionment that America has been undergoing for years. Do you believe that this is on purpose or has been occurring inadvertently?
8. What causes besides the ones listed can you think would inspire America's sense of false optimism?

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